Open for 2025 Intake: Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA

The Tsinghua-INSEAD Executive MBA (TIEMBA) is an elite business program for international students, taught in English, that offers a dual degree from INSEAD business school and Tsinghua University.

Exchange perspectives with an elite, dynamic, culturally diverse class of experienced managers and be part of two powerful alumni networks. The TIEMBA is where life-changing leadership development meets the technical mastery of key business disciplines.

It is now open for applications for 2025 Intake students!

About Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA

This program is designed for middle managers who want to take their career to the next level with competitive and high-caliber global degrees from INSEAD and Tsinghua University. Through studying at INSEAD’s three global campuses in Abu Dhabi, Singapore, and France, and Tsinghua’s campus in Beijing, students are guaranteed a cutting-edge global education.

As a participant, you will exchange perspectives within an elite, dynamic, culturally diverse class of experienced managers and be part of two powerful alumni networks. TIEMBA is where life-changing leadership development meets the technical mastery of key business disciplines. And both make an immediate impact on your organization. It is the best of East and West, learning and working, technical knowledge and soft skills — in a single programme.

Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA is Worth It

Basic Information

Program duration: 22 months


  • Application fee: $150 USD
  • Tuition: $125,000 USD


  • Scholarships are available. Students can apply for the scholarships after they have already been admitted to TIEMBA. 58% of the Class of 2020 received a TIEMBA scholarship. The scholarship award averages at 12% of the tuition fee.
  • Your company may also be willing to help fund the EMBA. See more here.


Significant Work Experience

GMAT Test Score, or Take the INSEAD Assessment

English fluency and basic knowledge of a second language

Read Student Experiences

Wang Yan, CEO of Cowell Technology: TIEMBA helps deal with challenges confidently
Magdalene’s Experience with the Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA
Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA: “Sincerity, Anticipation, Cooperation”

Savannah Billman has a master's degree in Chinese Law and Society at the Yenching Academy of Peking University. She holds a B.A. from NYU Shanghai and has also written for The World of Chinese, TechNode, SupChina, and Sixth Tone.
Savannah Billman

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