A Malawi student: Ephraim shares his story about China

Ephraim Kayembe is one of China Admissions‘ clients; we helped him to apply for CCNU’s PhD program in international relations. He’s been studying there for two months now and here’s what he thinks about China and his experience:

ephraim pic Pursuing phd studies in international relations has always been my personal desire and ambition for so many years. This desire was seriously cultivated during the time I worked in the ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation as deputy minister in Malawi considering the nature of political and economic issues I was handling everyday.

Realizing that there could still be chance for me to grasp theoretical perspectives of international relations and political economy, I did not hesitate to start a long journey towards securing opportunities to pursue my studies.

But you don’t do it alone. You need strategic partners to assist you do things quickly. Living in an era of globalization one just needs to touch the right buttons then the door opens for you to go into the future word of academics. With china admissions everything has been possible for me to come to china and start a new lease of academic life.

I am certain that through the phd I am currently pursuing, it is possible to construct new meaning to the world phenomena than I did before.

Why is china growing so fast in terms of economic growth at a times when other countries are struggling? What is the meaning of soft power in the context of Chinese diplomacy. How can african countries take advantage of the scholarship being provided by china to learn and adopt Chinese economic and social development models when relevant.

With new academic challenges comes new opportunities of solving development challenges. The questions posed above will be answered by some African students who are coming after me.

It is in my considered view, that we have just taken a step towards our goal. Whether that goal is achievable or not, the most important thing is to learn something, meet new people, socialize and prove beyond reasonable doubt that the more we learn the more we move towards realization that we are after all ignorant in some sense.

If you are interested in CCNU, you can take a look at CCNU’s English taught programs here. 

If you’d like to apply, please contact us at apply@china-admissions.com or through our site.

Shynar from Kazakhstan, studied at Beijing Language and Culture University.
Shynar Shinibekova

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