CEIBS Shanghai – Location, Map, Directions and Instructions for Arrival

CEIBS China Europe International Business School Shanghai campus map, location and directions.

CEIBS Shanghai Address

The address of CEIBS Shanghai campus is

699 Hongfeng Rd, Pudong Xinqu, Shanghai Shi, China, 201203
中国 上海市浦东新区红枫路699号 201206

Phone Number: Tel: +86-21-2890 5890

For directions we suggest you use ditu.baidu.com or search directly in wechat.

CEIBS in the evening

CEIBS Shanghai Campus

You can watch the Shanghai virtual campus tour here


CEIBS is located in the east of Shanghai

Directions – How to arrive?

From Shanghai Pudong Airport

– By Taxi
You can take a taxi from Pudong Airport to CEIBS campus for around 140 RMB.
– By Metro
You can take Metro Line 2; get off at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Station and then take a taxi to CEIBS. It will be about 25 RMB for a taxi.
– By Bus
You can take Bus No. 4 and get off at the first stop, then take a taxi to CEIBS. The bus fee is 14 RMB and the taxi   fee is about 20 RMB.

From Shanghai Hongqiao Airport

– By Taxi
You can take a taxi from Hongqiao Airport to CEIBS campus for around 130 RMB.
– By Metro
You can take Metro Line 2; get off at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Station and then take a taxi to       CEIBS. It will be about 25 RMB for a taxi.

If you would like to arrange a campus visit, please complete the form below.

Entrance of CEIBS China Europe International Business School
  • Please give two time slots, at least 1 week in advance if possible.
  • Please share your academic background

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