I knew China Admissions by any chance through the internet and tried to get a University for my Boy.
I got my admission letter through China admission and all relevant information about the visa and Registration. In addition the lady offered her availability for any assistance in the process.
I thought it was over and the rest will be easier for me.
We had complications to get a transit visa to Hong Kong and got a lot of stress
Dulguun is her name. She was monitoring the situation closely. Giving us information on how to address all the challenges. She arranged the tickets for the taxi, the train, rebooked my boy when he missed the train., sent us a new ticket, She was calling us, emailing, telling us to which office and which gate to go, the number of the train, the remaining time for the train to leave Shanghai… The lady was dedicated, she intervened many times in the process and that was impressive for the whole family.
She was always reassuring us while things were difficult. We realized that she didn’t even sleep making sure that things are going well.
My family and I are grateful for everything that was done.
I will always recommend people to China admissions. The service was far beyond my expectations.